中考英语试题!求答案!I hate to say,but I have a problem.Actually,I’m not sure what my problem is.But whatever it is,I need 41 .It seems like I’m always doing favors (帮忙) for people,and I 42 have time for myself.I mean,I like people,and I want them to lik


I hate to say,but I have a problem.Actually,I’m not sure what my problem is.But whatever it is,I need 41 .
It seems like I’m always doing favors (帮忙) for people,and I 42 have time for myself.I mean,I like people,and I want them to like me,but it’s getting to be too much.
You see,like this week,I’m talking care of Rex.It’s a dog that 43 a woman in my office.How did I 44 up talking care of this dog?I don’t even like dogs.It was in the office,and Sheila 45 that she was having trouble finding a dog-sitter,and she said 46 she couldn’t find a dog-sitter,she couldn’t go on vacation.And suddenly I said,“Oh,I can take care of the dog for you.No,problem.” 47 did I say that?I always seem to get into (陷入) this kind of 48 .
Just last week,this guy across the hall had a problem with his toilet.So he called me!And I don’t even 49 this guy.He said that another neighbor said that I was really 50 fixing things,and that she was sure I would be willing to help him,so how could I say 51 ?So I fixed it,and I really didn’t mind,it only took me about an hour.
It’s not only my 52 and people in my office.Like yesterday,my brother needed helping fixing a broken window.I drove two hours to his house to help.It only took ten minutes to repair, 53 my whole day was shot.And Rex chewed up my sofa while I was gone.These kinds of things happen to me all the time.
Oh,there’s the 54 .That’s probably Emily.She’s moving out this weekend,and I told her I’d help her 55 ,I just couldn’t say no.
Oh,what am I going to do?
41.A、help B、money C、challenge D、confidence
42.A、even B、only C、just D、never
43.A、depends B、holds on to C、belongs to D、gets along with
44.A、end B、look C、stay D、make
45.A、supposed B、suggested C、imagined D、mentioned
46.A、whether B、unless C、if D、that
47.A、Why B、What C、When D、Where
48.A、danger B、situation C、friendship D、happiness
49.A、see B、know C、like D、care
50.A、good at B、proud of C、used to D、interested in
51.A、sorry B、yes C、no D、thanks
52.A、classmates B、neighbors C、friends D、parents
53.A、and B、or C、so D、but
54.A、letter B、phone C、bus D、train
55.A、travel B、stay C、leave D、pack
53 my whole day was shot
我想是不是打错了。shot or short???
53 my whole day was shot
我想是不是打错了。shot or short???