求一篇英语作文 100词左右 5月1日 ,高二三班学生志愿者李月和张华去阳光敬老院开张志愿者活动(送水,打扫,聊天)假如你是校英语报的记者,为他们写一篇新闻报道 要求:1时间,地点,任务活动.2老人们的反应.3 简短品论


求一篇英语作文 100词左右
5月1日 ,高二三班学生志愿者李月和张华去阳光敬老院开张志愿者活动(送水,打扫,聊天)假如你是校英语报的记者,为他们写一篇新闻报道 要求:1时间,地点,任务活动.2老人们的反应.3 简短品论
My favourite star
My favorite is the actor who acted as the Chinese Hero Bruce Lee.
Because he do look like the very person Bruce Lee.(强调句)I have watched The Legend Of Bruce Lee which is created by the real life of Bruce Lee.(定语从句)I was encouraged by this movie deeply, and until now i always think of him. So i can deal with my problems calmly and correctly.
Life is not always like what you want, just try your best to adapt the surroundings. No matter how hard your life is, it just for a short period of time. Believe that if you overcome it ,you are the winner and you are the host of your life.
Never could we give up or loss confidence.(倒装句)
参考资料: by myself!wheat
My favourite star
My favorite is the actor who acted as the Chinese Hero Bruce Lee.
Because he do look like the very person Bruce Lee.(强调句)I have watched The Legend Of Bruce Lee which is created by the real life of Bruce Lee.(定语从句)I was encouraged by this movie deeply, and until now i always think of him. So i can deal with my problems calmly and correctly.
Life is not always like what you want, just try your best to adapt the surroundings. No matter how hard your life is, it just for a short period of time. Believe that if you overcome it ,you are the winner and you are the host of your life.
Never could we give up or loss confidence.(倒装句)
参考资料: by myself!wheat