

Words ending with ff,the most common words first
147 words found.
The most frequently occuring words ending with ff
The first number (in bold) is the number of letters in the word,to make it easier to spot the most common words of the length you want.
The second number indicates the approximate number of times the word occurs per million words.The words occuring most frequently are shown first.
off - 3,703
staff - 5,459
stuff - 5,153
plaintiff - 9,69
cliff - 5,36
stiff - 5,33
tariff - 6,19
sheriff - 7,19
sniff - 5,15
puff - 4,10
bluff - 5,7
cuff - 4,7
buff - 4,6
bailiff - 7,5
whiff - 5,4
rebuff - 6,3
snuff - 5,3
fluff - 5,3
huff - 4,3
foodstuff - 9,3
scoff - 5,2
payoff - 6,2
riff - 4,2
ruff - 4,2
handcuff - 8,2
scruff - 6,2
duff - 4,2
chaff - 5,2
midriff - 7,2
gruff - 5,2
biff - 4,1
dyestuff - 8,1
scuff - 5,1
toff - 4,1
dandruff - 8,1
runoff - 6,1
There are 111 less common words:
Words ending with ff,the most common words first
147 words found.
The most frequently occuring words ending with ff
The first number (in bold) is the number of letters in the word,to make it easier to spot the most common words of the length you want.
The second number indicates the approximate number of times the word occurs per million words.The words occuring most frequently are shown first.
off - 3,703
staff - 5,459
stuff - 5,153
plaintiff - 9,69
cliff - 5,36
stiff - 5,33
tariff - 6,19
sheriff - 7,19
sniff - 5,15
puff - 4,10
bluff - 5,7
cuff - 4,7
buff - 4,6
bailiff - 7,5
whiff - 5,4
rebuff - 6,3
snuff - 5,3
fluff - 5,3
huff - 4,3
foodstuff - 9,3
scoff - 5,2
payoff - 6,2
riff - 4,2
ruff - 4,2
handcuff - 8,2
scruff - 6,2
duff - 4,2
chaff - 5,2
midriff - 7,2
gruff - 5,2
biff - 4,1
dyestuff - 8,1
scuff - 5,1
toff - 4,1
dandruff - 8,1
runoff - 6,1
There are 111 less common words:
相关标签: 英文 字母 单词