英语作文(初三)据调查,现今很多中国人都过起了“洋节”.有的人认为过“洋节”是一种文化入侵(culture invasion),有的人则认为可以更多的了解外国文化.请你根据下列柱状图,谈谈你自己的看法.80词左右.要求思路清晰 ,观点明确.合乎逻辑柱状图 Christmas Day 68.5%Valentine's Day 61.8%Mother's Day 59.4%Father's Day 52.4%今天晚上就要


据调查,现今很多中国人都过起了“洋节”.有的人认为过“洋节”是一种文化入侵(culture invasion),有的人则认为可以更多的了解外国文化.请你根据下列柱状图,谈谈你自己的看法.80词左右.要求思路清晰 ,观点明确.合乎逻辑
柱状图 Christmas Day 68.5%
Valentine's Day 61.8%
Mother's Day 59.4%
Father's Day 52.4%
Nowadays,more and more chinese people begin to celebrate some foreign festivals.For example,Christmas Day,Valentine's Day ,Mother's Day and Father's Day.some people regard celebrating foreign festival as a culture invasion,but others think it can help us to know more about the foreign culture.
in my opinion,we can benefit much from some foreign festivals.such as mother's day,we can know how great our mum is.she take care of us,and never camplain anything.and we learn what love is about.
Nowadays,more and more chinese people begin to celebrate some foreign festivals.For example,Christmas Day,Valentine's Day ,Mother's Day and Father's Day.some people regard celebrating foreign festival as a culture invasion,but others think it can help us to know more about the foreign culture.
in my opinion,we can benefit much from some foreign festivals.such as mother's day,we can know how great our mum is.she take care of us,and never camplain anything.and we learn what love is about.