英语翻译来自设计师Stanislav Sabo的创意,Novel折叠电水壶是那些经常出差或者旅行的朋友,以及那些虽然天天上班但却受够了所谓饮水机的人们的福音.  设计师如此描述Novel,他说,这款电水壶全部采用对人体安全并且耐热的材质制作,平时可以折叠成一个平板,可以放入牛仔裤后袋,当然也可以塞入包包,需要的时候打开接通电路就能烧水——顶部有一个红色三角,那是一个非常漂亮的出水口,可以确保你倒水的时候不会洒得到处都是.


来自设计师Stanislav Sabo的创意,Novel折叠电水壶是那些经常出差或者旅行的朋友,以及那些虽然天天上班但却受够了所谓饮水机的人们的福音.
Novel folded electric kettle, the originality of which came from the designer Stanislav Sabo, is a good news for the friends who are often go for business or travel, and those day-to-day working staff who have enough of so-called drinking fountain.
The designer describes Novel as that this electric kettle is made of human-body-safe and heat-resisting materials, it can be folded into a flat board, putting in jean's back pocket or squeezing in a bag, when needed, unfold it and connect to power, it can start boiling water ------ there is a red triangle on top which is a pretty water outlet to ensure it won't spill everywhere when you pour water.
Novel folded electric kettle, the originality of which came from the designer Stanislav Sabo, is a good news for the friends who are often go for business or travel, and those day-to-day working staff who have enough of so-called drinking fountain.
The designer describes Novel as that this electric kettle is made of human-body-safe and heat-resisting materials, it can be folded into a flat board, putting in jean's back pocket or squeezing in a bag, when needed, unfold it and connect to power, it can start boiling water ------ there is a red triangle on top which is a pretty water outlet to ensure it won't spill everywhere when you pour water.