帮忙判一下我的英语作文谢谢(初一下学期)8分请用英语写一段话,描述你的一次旅行或参观经历. 具体内容应包括1时间2说到达的地点及交通方式3所看到的景物4所做的事情5感受或收获 要求:意思连贯 符合逻辑,字数不少于60词. In last saturday I goes to the tiananmen square. morning,we are gat up early and had breakfast,past one hours we are goes by car .In the noon we


帮忙判一下我的英语作文谢谢(初一下学期)8分请用英语写一段话,描述你的一次旅行或参观经历. 具体内容应包括1时间2说到达的地点及交通方式3所看到的景物4所做的事情5感受或收获 要求:意思连贯 符合逻辑,字数不少于60词. In last saturday I goes to the tiananmen square. morning,we are gat up early and had breakfast,past one hours we are goes by car .In the noon we are gat on the tiananmen quare .It is very good!I can see the mozhedong's picture.In the afternoon we are ate the dinner in restaurter.It is very good. finsh,we are goes home.this my favourite's day.
In last Saturday, I went to the Tiananmen Square. In the morning,we got up early and had breakfast.After one hour, we went here by car .At noon, we got up the Tiananmen Square .It is very good!I can see the Maozhedong's picture.In the afternoon we had dinner in the restaurter.The food is very decidious. Finally,we came back home.This is my favourite day. 注:作文写的是过去的事 动词也要是过去式. 句子开头字母要大写 名胜古迹的名字也要大写 人的名字也一样 介词的用法 favourite已经是形容词 所以不用加's了 我直接改在原文中 你要仔细看看 像你这样 可会吃大亏的 不过 以后慢慢来 语法词汇都要记得清楚 最好准备一本笔记 把它们都记在一起 这是我的经验 跟你讲讲 你要不要听 就随你了 In last Saturday, I went to the Tiananmen Square. In the morning,we got up early and had breakfast.After one hour, we went here by car .At noon, we got up the Tiananmen Square .It is very good!I can see the Maozhedong's picture.In the afternoon we had dinner in the restaurter.The food is very decidious. Finally,we came back home.This is my favourite day. 注:作文写的是过去的事 动词也要是过去式. 句子开头字母要大写 名胜古迹的名字也要大写 人的名字也一样 介词的用法 favourite已经是形容词 所以不用加's了 我直接改在原文中 你要仔细看看 像你这样 可会吃大亏的 不过 以后慢慢来 语法词汇都要记得清楚 最好准备一本笔记 把它们都记在一起 这是我的经验 跟你讲讲 你要不要听 就随你了