英语翻译我去年六月份从单位离职,是 in june of last year 还是 in the june of ...还是on ,at?我在家乡度过了我的童年和中学时代 然后来到XX市求学,这句话怎么翻译?这份工作虽然比较简单,但教给了我很多东西.这句话怎么翻译?


我去年六月份从单位离职,是 in june of last year 还是 in the june of ...还是on ,at?
我在家乡度过了我的童年和中学时代 然后来到XX市求学,这句话怎么翻译?
1、用in june of last year.I left the unit in June of last year .
2、I have spent my childhood and high school in my hometown and then went to XX City school for study.
3、This work has been relatively simple,but it taught me a lot of things.
1、用in june of last year.I left the unit in June of last year .
2、I have spent my childhood and high school in my hometown and then went to XX City school for study.
3、This work has been relatively simple,but it taught me a lot of things.