

How to listen intensively?
First never look at the literal material before listening, otherwise only your reading might increase for several points. Then listen the first time fully, estimate how much percent has been understood, then listen sentence by sentence. The point is listening to the subjects, verbs and objects, substantives and the mood and tone of the speakers. You'd better write them down. Once you understood one sentence, you can pass on to the next one. If you still cannot understand some sentence at last, look it up in the literal material and then listen again. You should listen more than one time for it.After this, listen fully once more, see how much percent can you reach this time.
How to listen intensively?
First never look at the literal material before listening, otherwise only your reading might increase for several points. Then listen the first time fully, estimate how much percent has been understood, then listen sentence by sentence. The point is listening to the subjects, verbs and objects, substantives and the mood and tone of the speakers. You'd better write them down. Once you understood one sentence, you can pass on to the next one. If you still cannot understand some sentence at last, look it up in the literal material and then listen again. You should listen more than one time for it.After this, listen fully once more, see how much percent can you reach this time.