高中英语短文改错:Everyone had his own dreams ,and everyone want to turn it into realities.Therefore,dreams are so important in everyone's life that everyone should hold fastly to them .Furthermore ,some people willfail in their work or study and even in their lif


Everyone had his own dreams ,and everyone want to turn it into realities.Therefore,dreams are so important in everyone's life that
everyone should hold fastly to them .Furthermore ,some people will
fail in their work or study and even in their life.In order to make your
dreams to come ture,you'd better make reaonable plan for your study
and work .On the same time ,don't lose heart if your dream failed to be
realized.Perhaps you should adjust your next plan and make a new
dream.Go on work hard,and you will succeed in realizing your deram in time.
Everyone had (改为has) his own dreams ,and everyone want(改为wants) to turn it (改为them)into realities(改为reality).Therefore,dreams are so important in everyone's life that
everyone should hold fastl (改为fast) to them .Furthermore ,some people will
fail in their work or study and even in their life.In order to make your
dreams to (去掉to)come ture,you'd better make reaonable plan (改为plans) for your study
and work .On (改为In )the same time ,don't lose heart (加上even)if your dream failed to be
realized.Perhaps you should adjust your next plan and make a new
dream.Go on work (改为working) hard,and you will succeed in realizing your deram in time.
Everyone had (改为has) his own dreams ,and everyone want(改为wants) to turn it (改为them)into realities(改为reality).Therefore,dreams are so important in everyone's life that
everyone should hold fastl (改为fast) to them .Furthermore ,some people will
fail in their work or study and even in their life.In order to make your
dreams to (去掉to)come ture,you'd better make reaonable plan (改为plans) for your study
and work .On (改为In )the same time ,don't lose heart (加上even)if your dream failed to be
realized.Perhaps you should adjust your next plan and make a new
dream.Go on work (改为working) hard,and you will succeed in realizing your deram in time.