汉语拼音里的一声、二声用英语怎么说教外国人学中文的时候,要告诉他们每个字的几声,请问 一声 二声 三声 四声怎么翻译成英语


教外国人学中文的时候,要告诉他们每个字的几声,请问 一声 二声 三声 四声怎么翻译成英语
First tone, or high-level tone (阴平 literal meaning: yin-level):
Second tone, or rising tone (阳平 literal meaning: yang-level)
Third tone ,low tone, or low-falling-raising (上声 literal meaning: "up tone")
Fourth tone, falling tone (去声 literal meaning: "away tone"),
Neutral tone,Also called Fifth tone or zeroth tone (in Chinese:轻声 literal meaning: "light tone"), neutral tone is sometimes thought of incorrectly as a lack of tone.
First tone, or high-level tone (阴平 literal meaning: yin-level):
Second tone, or rising tone (阳平 literal meaning: yang-level)
Third tone ,low tone, or low-falling-raising (上声 literal meaning: "up tone")
Fourth tone, falling tone (去声 literal meaning: "away tone"),
Neutral tone,Also called Fifth tone or zeroth tone (in Chinese:轻声 literal meaning: "light tone"), neutral tone is sometimes thought of incorrectly as a lack of tone.