求英语好的朋友帮忙写一篇作文我在高考自愿问题上与父母意见有了分歧,请写一篇电子邮件向外教Jack帮忙.开头结尾已给出 要点如下 1现在的状况2分歧的内容3求助的内容 词数80词左右 Dear Jack I am writing to ask you for some advice on my application for university.………………………………………………Look forward to your reply!Yors,Li Hua


我在高考自愿问题上与父母意见有了分歧,请写一篇电子邮件向外教Jack帮忙.开头结尾已给出 要点如下 1现在的状况2分歧的内容3求助的内容 词数80词左右 Dear Jack I am writing to ask you for some advice on my application for university.………………………………………………Look forward to your reply!Yors,Li Hua
You know, I want to receive my university education in Beijing, our capital city. But my parennts insist that I choose a local university in my hometown. They said they will be very warried if I go to a strange place for years by myself, in their eyes I am still a little child! But I am 18 years old, I want to choose the university myself , but I don't want to hurt my parents. can you give me some advice on how to communicate with them about this affair? Thank you . You know, I want to receive my university education in Beijing, our capital city. But my parennts insist that I choose a local university in my hometown. They said they will be very warried if I go to a strange place for years by myself, in their eyes I am still a little child! But I am 18 years old, I want to choose the university myself , but I don't want to hurt my parents. can you give me some advice on how to communicate with them about this affair? Thank you .