英语对话求帮助 我英语水平太差了.老师太严格了.我实在是想不到什么好句子.我只能把中文写出来.是一个辩论.关于喜不喜欢稳定工作的话题.A:快要毕业了,你想做什么工作?B:对于我来说,我喜欢稳定的工作,像是会计等等.你呢?A:我更喜欢自由一点.我喜欢自在的生活,我不喜欢一直坐在办公室里,每天做同样的事情.我想生活就应该充满惊喜,每一天都应该过得不一样.我可能会去做一个导游,闲暇时间再开一个小店卖卖旅途中收集的东西.B:你的想法不错.但是在我看来,一份稳定的工作,不一定意味着每天做同样的事情.这样的一份工作会


英语对话求帮助 我英语水平太差了.老师太严格了.我实在是想不到什么好句子.我只能把中文写出来.
A:It is almost graduation, what do you want to do in the future
B:For me, I would like some stable jobs, like accounting. What about you?
A:I want jobs with more freedom.I don't wanna repeat things in my office day after day. I want my life be full of amaze so everyday looks different. Maybe i will take a tour guide.
B:Good idea for you.However in my point of view, a stable job doesn't always mean repetitive. A job like this might give me an ascent to go up, increasing my ability. I will find myself interested in challenging work, and with stable salary.
A:Stable salary attracts people much, but in that situation, I will feel uncomfortable. I don't like that much pressure. On the contrary, free job doesn't have these problems. We can do whatever we like instead of immersing into waves of pressure
B: Same to me. I also hope I can have private time, which means no working at home. This is my rule.
A: Best wishes to you! Hopefully we can both find the ideal jobs
A:It is almost graduation, what do you want to do in the future
B:For me, I would like some stable jobs, like accounting. What about you?
A:I want jobs with more freedom.I don't wanna repeat things in my office day after day. I want my life be full of amaze so everyday looks different. Maybe i will take a tour guide.
B:Good idea for you.However in my point of view, a stable job doesn't always mean repetitive. A job like this might give me an ascent to go up, increasing my ability. I will find myself interested in challenging work, and with stable salary.
A:Stable salary attracts people much, but in that situation, I will feel uncomfortable. I don't like that much pressure. On the contrary, free job doesn't have these problems. We can do whatever we like instead of immersing into waves of pressure
B: Same to me. I also hope I can have private time, which means no working at home. This is my rule.
A: Best wishes to you! Hopefully we can both find the ideal jobs