初一英语作文.假设Mary 是你远在美国的朋友,请你根据下面的提示内容写一篇60词左右的短文,描述一下他们一家使用交通工具的情况.:①Mary的学校离家约5千米,她通常骑自行车去上学.②父亲在一家广播电台工作,广播电台离家很远,每天乘地铁上班,大约花40分钟.③母亲在银行工作,银行离家远,常乘公共汽车去上班.


假设Mary 是你远在美国的朋友,请你根据下面的提示内容写一篇60词左右的短文,描述一下他们一家使用交通工具的情况.:①Mary的学校离家约5千米,她通常骑自行车去上学.②父亲在一家广播电台工作,广播电台离家很远,每天乘地铁上班,大约花40分钟.③母亲在银行工作,银行离家远,常乘公共汽车去上班.
I have a friend called Mary. She is an American. She is a student. Her school is five kilometres from her home. She goes to school by bike every day. Her father works in a broadcasting station. It's far from their home. Her father goes to work by subway .It takes him about forty minutes to arrive his station. Mary's mother works in a bank. The bank is close to her home.Her mother usually goes to work by bus. Mary lives in a happy family. We are good friends. I have a friend called Mary. She is an American. She is a student. Her school is five kilometres from her home. She goes to school by bike every day. Her father works in a broadcasting station. It's far from their home. Her father goes to work by subway .It takes him about forty minutes to arrive his station. Mary's mother works in a bank. The bank is close to her home.Her mother usually goes to work by bus. Mary lives in a happy family. We are good friends.