英语翻译一堂好课的标准是什么?1.目的明确.教师在上课时要明确教学目标,课堂的一一切活动始终围绕教学目的进行.2 重点突出.一节课上老师要把主要精力放在重点内容的教学上.3 内容正确.要保证教学内容的科学性,思想性和系统性.4 方法得当.教学方法选择的合理性和教学方法运用的科学性.5 表达清晰.教学语言是一门艺术,它要求教师表达清晰,有感染力.6 组织严密.教学过程次序分明,有条不紊,课堂秩序良好.7.气氛热烈.师生都处在积极地状态中,互相配合协调,使课堂气氛生动活泼.5 表达


2 重点突出.一节课上老师要把主要精力放在重点内容的教学上.
3 内容正确.要保证教学内容的科学性,思想性和系统性.
4 方法得当.教学方法选择的合理性和教学方法运用的科学性.
5 表达清晰.教学语言是一门艺术,它要求教师表达清晰,有感染力.
6 组织严密.教学过程次序分明,有条不紊,课堂秩序良好.
5 表达
Criterias of an effective class
1.Explicit objective.A teacher shall know what to teach in classes and all activities in the class shall be centered with the objective
2 Key points.A teacher shall focus on the main contents in the class
3 Correct contents.Ensure the scientificalness,the ideological contents and the systematicness of the contents taught
4 Proper methods .Mind the rationality of the teaching method's selection and the scientificalness of its application
5 Distinct expression.The teaching language is a kind of arts and asks a teacher to speack clearly and infectious
6 Well organized.The class should be in a systematic order
7.Pleasant environment.Bothe the teachers and the students take part in the activities actively and make the class alive
Criterias of an effective class
1.Explicit objective.A teacher shall know what to teach in classes and all activities in the class shall be centered with the objective
2 Key points.A teacher shall focus on the main contents in the class
3 Correct contents.Ensure the scientificalness,the ideological contents and the systematicness of the contents taught
4 Proper methods .Mind the rationality of the teaching method's selection and the scientificalness of its application
5 Distinct expression.The teaching language is a kind of arts and asks a teacher to speack clearly and infectious
6 Well organized.The class should be in a systematic order
7.Pleasant environment.Bothe the teachers and the students take part in the activities actively and make the class alive