英译汉,不要在线翻译软件翻译出来的寒假作业帮帮忙吧!翻译一下!不要用在线翻译软件翻译出来的!好的话会再给分!The little children in the pictures are from a kindergarten of Suzhou.what are they doing?They are not playing games in the street. They are doing an important thing for our home —the Earth. They want


寒假作业帮帮忙吧!翻译一下!不要用在线翻译软件翻译出来的!好的话会再给分!The little children in the pictures are from a kindergarten of Suzhou.what are they doing?They are not playing games in the street. They are doing an important thing for our home —the Earth. They want to tell people they should love the Earth ,and keepthe environment around them clean.It's a happy thing to be volunteers for them because they want people to learn what they han learnt from the teacher and the books and do more right things with them.Look at their clothes,aren't they very nice and interesing?With the teachers and parents' help,they made the clothes.The clothes are made up of plastic bags and paper.They want to tell people to try to reuse,recycle things. They are great volunteers.We should learn from them.What should we do for the Earth and our community?What good idas do you have?Let's do it right now!
照片中的孩子们来自苏州的一个幼儿园,他们在干什么呢?他们不是在玩游戏,而是在为我们的地球家园做一些重要的事情.他们想告诉人们必须爱护地球,保护环境.他们很乐意去做环保志愿者,并想让人们把从书本和老师那里学到的东西学以致用,和他们一起做对环境有益的事情.观察他们上的衣服,这些衣服是他们在老师的帮助下自己做的,这些衣服由塑料袋和废纸张做成的.他们想从这些衣服中告诉人们要努力去学会重复利用资源.孩子们都是很棒的支援者.我们应该向他们学习.我们应该为我们的地球和社区做些什么?你有什么好的想法和建议?那么就立刻付诸行动吧. 照片中的孩子们来自苏州的一个幼儿园,他们在干什么呢?他们不是在玩游戏,而是在为我们的地球家园做一些重要的事情.他们想告诉人们必须爱护地球,保护环境.他们很乐意去做环保志愿者,并想让人们把从书本和老师那里学到的东西学以致用,和他们一起做对环境有益的事情.观察他们上的衣服,这些衣服是他们在老师的帮助下自己做的,这些衣服由塑料袋和废纸张做成的.他们想从这些衣服中告诉人们要努力去学会重复利用资源.孩子们都是很棒的支援者.我们应该向他们学习.我们应该为我们的地球和社区做些什么?你有什么好的想法和建议?那么就立刻付诸行动吧.