

As more and more people are surging into urban areas to make a living, more and more problems are shown.
Of course, it cannaot be admited that city life is far more convinient than country life. And there is no doublt that if you are the sort of person who wants to have fun, amusement parks, shopping malls and pubs in cities are something you will never wanna miss.
Thus, I guess i just like rurual life better.
As pollution is becoming more and more serious in cities, country side could be your refugee. It can keep you away from any disease caused by pollution. Further more, people who live in the rurual areas are more sympathetic and thoughtful. Differed in cities you can savor the happniess of being a memn=ber of a big family.
In my opinion, these 2 factors above are more substancial in one's life. So, living in country side, i think, is better.
As more and more people are surging into urban areas to make a living, more and more problems are shown.
Of course, it cannaot be admited that city life is far more convinient than country life. And there is no doublt that if you are the sort of person who wants to have fun, amusement parks, shopping malls and pubs in cities are something you will never wanna miss.
Thus, I guess i just like rurual life better.
As pollution is becoming more and more serious in cities, country side could be your refugee. It can keep you away from any disease caused by pollution. Further more, people who live in the rurual areas are more sympathetic and thoughtful. Differed in cities you can savor the happniess of being a memn=ber of a big family.
In my opinion, these 2 factors above are more substancial in one's life. So, living in country side, i think, is better.