新概念第二册78作文 根据以下思路写一篇150左右作文 作文重在遣词造句,字数一定达到150字,直接在提示上加主语这种作文别来 100分不少了啊1Two young boys wanted to smoke---took two cigaretts from father's packet---went and hid in the garage.2They lit the cigarettes---smoke and coughing---father saw smoke coming from gar


根据以下思路写一篇150左右作文 作文重在遣词造句,字数一定达到150字,直接在提示上加主语这种作文别来 100分不少了啊
1Two young boys wanted to smoke---took two cigaretts from father's packet---went and hid in the garage.
2They lit the cigarettes---smoke and coughing---father saw smoke coming from garage---rushed down---smiled when he saw boys---offered them cigars---the boys accepted them---both very sick
Smoking is regarded as a symbol of grown man in the eye of boys.Therefore,it makes sense why the brothers-Tom and Jerry-wanted to try some smoking.Their father was a chainsmoker who always had at least one packet of cigarettes in his jacket pocket.One day,the boys decided to take on actions.They made a plan with division of labour.Tom slipped into their father’s bedroom and took two cigarettes from father’s pocket,while Jerry got matches from the kitchen.Both were done without being noticed.What’s next?They went and hid in the garage
Tom,the elder,volunteer to lit the cigarette ahead.Then followed his little brother.The first attempt wasn’t that good for they both coughed bitterly and continuously.The smoke that arose from the garage caught pretty much attention of their father.Fearing it was a sign of fire,he rushed downstairs at the sight of the smoke.But when he saw the boys coughing with cigarettes in their hands,he suddently realized what was going on.He smiled out of understanding and recalled the days when he was keen on being mature just like his sons.He offered the boys cigars and the boys accepted.Cigars also made them feel really sick.But they learned the lesson that cigarettes are too early for their age and they promised their dad not to smoke until they are permitted.
Smoking is regarded as a symbol of grown man in the eye of boys.Therefore,it makes sense why the brothers-Tom and Jerry-wanted to try some smoking.Their father was a chainsmoker who always had at least one packet of cigarettes in his jacket pocket.One day,the boys decided to take on actions.They made a plan with division of labour.Tom slipped into their father’s bedroom and took two cigarettes from father’s pocket,while Jerry got matches from the kitchen.Both were done without being noticed.What’s next?They went and hid in the garage
Tom,the elder,volunteer to lit the cigarette ahead.Then followed his little brother.The first attempt wasn’t that good for they both coughed bitterly and continuously.The smoke that arose from the garage caught pretty much attention of their father.Fearing it was a sign of fire,he rushed downstairs at the sight of the smoke.But when he saw the boys coughing with cigarettes in their hands,he suddently realized what was going on.He smiled out of understanding and recalled the days when he was keen on being mature just like his sons.He offered the boys cigars and the boys accepted.Cigars also made them feel really sick.But they learned the lesson that cigarettes are too early for their age and they promised their dad not to smoke until they are permitted.