

Guest 顾客(女) Waiteress 女服务员
Guest:Hi, waiteress. Could you help me? 嗨,服务员(女),能帮我一下吗?
Waiteress:Yes,ma'am,what can i help you?您好,太太,有什么需要帮忙的?
Guest:Um,i want to buy some pickle cucumber ,which shelf does it place?嗯,我想买点酱黄瓜,但是我不知道它在那一排货架?
Waiteress:Don't worry,ma'am.Go along this aisle ,you'll see a big bulletin ,writing Sauce Food,you'll find your goods there.夫人,别急.顺着这通道走,你将会看到一个大的指示牌,上面写着酱料视频,您可以在那找到你想要的(酱黄瓜).
Guest:Oh,thank you !By the way ,can you tell me how much each kilo of the pickle cucumber?
Waiteress:Last updated ,i remember its cost ¥30 each kilo,that's all i knew!嗯,最后一次标价,我记得要每公斤要30块吧,我只知道这些了!
Guest:Okay ,thanks again!好的,再次感谢!
Waiteress:You'are welcome!不客气!
Guest 顾客(女) Waiteress 女服务员
Guest:Hi, waiteress. Could you help me? 嗨,服务员(女),能帮我一下吗?
Waiteress:Yes,ma'am,what can i help you?您好,太太,有什么需要帮忙的?
Guest:Um,i want to buy some pickle cucumber ,which shelf does it place?嗯,我想买点酱黄瓜,但是我不知道它在那一排货架?
Waiteress:Don't worry,ma'am.Go along this aisle ,you'll see a big bulletin ,writing Sauce Food,you'll find your goods there.夫人,别急.顺着这通道走,你将会看到一个大的指示牌,上面写着酱料视频,您可以在那找到你想要的(酱黄瓜).
Guest:Oh,thank you !By the way ,can you tell me how much each kilo of the pickle cucumber?
Waiteress:Last updated ,i remember its cost ¥30 each kilo,that's all i knew!嗯,最后一次标价,我记得要每公斤要30块吧,我只知道这些了!
Guest:Okay ,thanks again!好的,再次感谢!
Waiteress:You'are welcome!不客气!
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