完形填空。       Janet Jin is a tennis star. She is  1 In the morning she usually   2 at seven o'clock she  3 at  4 . Janet  5 her friends usually  6 tennis at nine o'clock. They play for 3


      Janet Jin is a tennis star. She is  __1__ In the morning she usually   __2__ at seven o'clock she  __3__
at __ 4 __. Janet  __5__ her friends usually __ 6 __ tennis at nine o'clock. They play for 3 hours. At twelve
o'clock Janet has __ 7 __ lunch. School __ 8 __ at one o'clock. At four o'clock she usually plays tennis
again. At six o'clock she has dinner. She usually does __9__ homework at 7:30. At 9:00 she __ 10 __
tennis on TV. Janet usually goes to bed at 10:30. Tennis is Janet's life.
(     )1. A. 13 years old
(     )2. A. get up    
(     )3. A. has lunch  
(     )4. A. half seven  
(     )5. A. and    
(     )6. A. plays the
(     )7. A. a       
(     )8. A. start    
(     )9. A. the      
(     )10. A. looks      
B. 13 year old    
B. gets up        
B. has the lunch    
B. seven half     
B. with          
B. plays        
B. the          
B. starts        
B. she        
B. see         
C. 13 years age    
C. go to bed    
C. has breakfast  
C. seven and half  
C. but      
C. play the  
C. big      
C. end      
C. her        
C. looks at      
D. 13 age          
D. goes to bed      
D. has the breakfast
D. half past seven  
D. or              
D. play            
D. a big            
D. finish          
D. one's            
D. watches          
1-5: ABCDA     6-10: DDBCD
1-5: ABCDA     6-10: DDBCD