用英语描述一个城市,要求用到以下单词中的至少3个construction crowded fascinating freeway huge inhabitants similarity unfortunate attractive busy dangerous dirty industrial lively modern noisy peaceful polluted poor smart vast wealthy不用太多,但起码也得像个英语作文啊,50字以上


construction crowded fascinating freeway huge inhabitants similarity unfortunate attractive busy dangerous dirty industrial lively modern noisy peaceful polluted poor smart vast wealthy
Chengdu is a beautiful city with many fascinating views ,and the people here are not as busy
as Shanghai .The morning is in a peaceful and lively nature ,the nature may give you a huge surprise .The birds' noisy sound may not that annoying as before.But we have to say that we polluted the city ourselves ,cause the morden space.
成都是一个有着迷人风景的美丽城市.这里的人们并没有上海人那么忙.这里的清晨沉浸在一片祥和和生机的自然中.自然或许会给你一个大惊喜.鸟儿的噪音也不会像以往那样令人生厌.但是我们不得不说 是我们自己污染了这个城市,正是因为现代化的步伐.
自己写的 不知道行不哦 用了这样几个词 fascinating busy peaceful lively huge noisy polluted morden
Chengdu is a beautiful city with many fascinating views ,and the people here are not as busy
as Shanghai .The morning is in a peaceful and lively nature ,the nature may give you a huge surprise .The birds' noisy sound may not that annoying as before.But we have to say that we polluted the city ourselves ,cause the morden space.
成都是一个有着迷人风景的美丽城市.这里的人们并没有上海人那么忙.这里的清晨沉浸在一片祥和和生机的自然中.自然或许会给你一个大惊喜.鸟儿的噪音也不会像以往那样令人生厌.但是我们不得不说 是我们自己污染了这个城市,正是因为现代化的步伐.
自己写的 不知道行不哦 用了这样几个词 fascinating busy peaceful lively huge noisy polluted morden