求一篇英语作文?marry是一位美国女学生,去年4月来郑州.你跟她相处得很好,不久便成立朋友.marry对汉语有极大的兴趣,汉语讲得好.她擅长数学,勤于学习,化学课上喜欢做实验.但有时粗心,她最喜欢物理,学习优秀,乐于助人,大家都喜欢她.请你用英语写一篇以my friend of mine 为题的短文.


请你用英语写一篇以my friend of mine 为题的短文.
My Friend of mine
Mary is an American student, arrived in Zhengzhou in April last year, go to our school. She and I get along very well and soon became good friends. Mary has great interest in Chinese language, Chinese speak it well, often and I use the Chinese dialogue. She is good at math, learning is also very hard, like in chemistry class experiment, is a very smart girl and flexible, but sometimes careless, like one time she even forgot to bring textbooks, but teachers still forgive her. Her favorite physical, learning good, helpful and happy and bright, and she will feel special with easy and fun, we all loved her.(我适当的加了一些内容,语法上应该没什么错误,字数有100多吧,你可以再加一点)
My Friend of mine
Mary is an American student, arrived in Zhengzhou in April last year, go to our school. She and I get along very well and soon became good friends. Mary has great interest in Chinese language, Chinese speak it well, often and I use the Chinese dialogue. She is good at math, learning is also very hard, like in chemistry class experiment, is a very smart girl and flexible, but sometimes careless, like one time she even forgot to bring textbooks, but teachers still forgive her. Her favorite physical, learning good, helpful and happy and bright, and she will feel special with easy and fun, we all loved her.(我适当的加了一些内容,语法上应该没什么错误,字数有100多吧,你可以再加一点)