关于《新概念英语2》第77课(A successful operation)的摘要写作


第77课(A successful operation)的摘要写作
Doctors have just operated on the mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C.They wanted to find out whether she died of a rare disease.After removing a section of the mummy,they sent it to a laboratory.During operatiion,they unexpectedly found a small wax figure of a good.Though they were afraid the mummy would fall to pieces,it successfully survived the operation. Doctors have just operated on the mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B.C.They wanted to find out whether she died of a rare disease.After removing a section of the mummy,they sent it to a laboratory.During operatiion,they unexpectedly found a small wax figure of a good.Though they were afraid the mummy would fall to pieces,it successfully survived the operation.
相关标签: 概念 英语 摘要 写作