英语翻译现在,环境污染是一个很严重(serious)的问题problem.我们每一个人都应该过低碳生活,为了减少reduce污染pollution.让我告诉你我的低碳生活.首先,我每天都是骑自行车或是步行去上学.每次我离开家或是离开教室,我一定要关掉灯,电扇或电视.这样(in this way)我们就可以节约(save)电(electricity).在用过水之后,我会很快(at once)关上水龙头.另外,我们还应该(should)循环使用水,因为地球上的水是很有限的(limited).作为As一个学生,


每次我离开家或是离开教室,我一定要关掉灯,电扇或电视.这样(in this way)我们就可以节约(save)电(electricity).在用过水之后,我会很快(at once)关上水龙头.另外,我们还应该(should)循环使用水,因为地球上的水是很有限的(limited).作为As一个学生,我总是充分利用纸张.因为纸是用树木制成的(be made from).节约(save)纸张就可以保护protect树木.它对我们的环境是很好的.我还尽力try用篮子或布袋子代替instead of塑料袋.
每个人都应该过(live)低碳的生活,努力try our best保护我们的地球,and使make我们的生活更加美好.
Now, environment pollution is a serious problem. Every one of us should live a low carbon(carbon-free?) life, for the sake of reducing pollution. Let me tell you my low carbon life.
Firstly, I cycle everyday to school.
Everytime I leave the house or classroom, I make sure to turn off the lights, fans or television. In this way we could save electricity. After using water, I turn off the tap at once. Then, we should also recycle water, as water is a limited resource on Earth.
As a student, I always use paper to its fullest. As paper is made from trees. Saving paper could protect trees. They are good for our environment. I also try to use basket or cloth bags in stead of plastic bags.
Everyone should live a low carbon life, try our best to protect our Earth and make our lives even better.
Now, environment pollution is a serious problem. Every one of us should live a low carbon(carbon-free?) life, for the sake of reducing pollution. Let me tell you my low carbon life.
Firstly, I cycle everyday to school.
Everytime I leave the house or classroom, I make sure to turn off the lights, fans or television. In this way we could save electricity. After using water, I turn off the tap at once. Then, we should also recycle water, as water is a limited resource on Earth.
As a student, I always use paper to its fullest. As paper is made from trees. Saving paper could protect trees. They are good for our environment. I also try to use basket or cloth bags in stead of plastic bags.
Everyone should live a low carbon life, try our best to protect our Earth and make our lives even better.