

It has been 3 years since I began to study abroad here in Japan. In the past one year of university learning with your carefull cultivation, I have raised my great interest in English and got excellent achievements. I like the Oral English part very much, which helped me promoting my oral expressing ability and thinking ability. I can undergo a daily conversation fluently. I considered that I would like to go on study English in the future. But it's soon for me to graduate. In a word, thank you very much for your loving care and I'm sorry to have to leave you. Hope to see you again. It has been 3 years since I began to study abroad here in Japan. In the past one year of university learning with your carefull cultivation, I have raised my great interest in English and got excellent achievements. I like the Oral English part very much, which helped me promoting my oral expressing ability and thinking ability. I can undergo a daily conversation fluently. I considered that I would like to go on study English in the future. But it's soon for me to graduate. In a word, thank you very much for your loving care and I'm sorry to have to leave you. Hope to see you again.
相关标签: 英语翻译 日本 大学 一年 通过 细心 英语 产生 浓厚 兴趣 取得 成绩