【高中英语】这些短语用英语怎么造句?用下列短语造英语句子 不要太长 通俗易懂的简单的那种 高中水平的句子1、make one's way(前进)2、in the way (妨碍)3、out of the way (偏僻的)4、in a/some way (在某种程度上)5、in no way (决不)6、on the one's way to(在路上) 7、by way of (通过...方式)


用下列短语造英语句子 不要太长 通俗易懂的简单的那种 高中水平的句子
1、make one's way(前进)
2、in the way (妨碍)
3、out of the way (偏僻的)
4、in a/some way (在某种程度上)
5、in no way (决不)
6、on the one's way to(在路上)
7、by way of (通过...方式)
1.she made her way hard in the heavy rain.她在大雨中艰难前进.
2.there is a stone lying in the way and I can cross it.有块石头挡了我的路,我过不去.
3.My grandmother lives out if the way.奶奶住在偏远的地方.
4.Your words make sense in some way.你的话在一定程度上是有道理的.
5.In no way will students cheat in the exam.学生们不论如何都不应该考试作弊.
6.I came across a friend that I haven't seen for years on my way home.在回家的路上我碰到了一个多年不见得朋友.
7.Jack will go to see his girl friend by way of plane.杰克会乘飞机去看他的女朋友.
1.she made her way hard in the heavy rain.她在大雨中艰难前进.
2.there is a stone lying in the way and I can cross it.有块石头挡了我的路,我过不去.
3.My grandmother lives out if the way.奶奶住在偏远的地方.
4.Your words make sense in some way.你的话在一定程度上是有道理的.
5.In no way will students cheat in the exam.学生们不论如何都不应该考试作弊.
6.I came across a friend that I haven't seen for years on my way home.在回家的路上我碰到了一个多年不见得朋友.
7.Jack will go to see his girl friend by way of plane.杰克会乘飞机去看他的女朋友.