写一段你和朋友之间的短对话.用英语你问每一个人:“what are you going to do in your holidays?where will you go?what will you do?


你问每一个人:“what are you going to do in your holidays?where will you go?what will you do?
Y:Hi,what are you up to?
F:I am making a plan of my holiday.
Y:So what are you going to do on your holiday?
F:I haven't decided it yet.But I want to do something special,how about traveling?
Y:Good idea!Where will you go?
F:I would like to go to Yunnan,don't you think it's a beautiful plaace?
Y:Yes,it's a wonderful place.What will you do there?
F:I will have a sightseeing,eat good food and take some photos.I am going to buy some presents.
Y:Wow ,that sounds brilliant!
F:Yes,and this is my holiday plan now.
〈lz 〉
Y:Hi,what are you up to?
F:I am making a plan of my holiday.
Y:So what are you going to do on your holiday?
F:I haven't decided it yet.But I want to do something special,how about traveling?
Y:Good idea!Where will you go?
F:I would like to go to Yunnan,don't you think it's a beautiful plaace?
Y:Yes,it's a wonderful place.What will you do there?
F:I will have a sightseeing,eat good food and take some photos.I am going to buy some presents.
Y:Wow ,that sounds brilliant!
F:Yes,and this is my holiday plan now.
〈lz 〉