英语里两个并列修饰同一个动词的短语,用and连接可以么?比如 Clean the screen surface with a piece of wet cloth and with a piece of dry cloth. 用and连接了两个“with” 开头的短语,这样语法OK吗? 还是需要改成“Clean the screen surface with a piece of wet cloth and then clean with a piece of dry cloth” 这样再把动词重复一


比如 Clean the screen surface with a piece of wet cloth and with a piece of dry cloth.

用and连接了两个“with” 开头的短语,这样语法OK吗?

还是需要改成“Clean the screen surface with a piece of wet cloth and then clean with a piece of dry cloth” 这样再把动词重复一遍?
把wet移到piece的前面,同时第二个with省去,即Clean the screen surface with a wet piece of cloth and a dry one 即可. 把wet移到piece的前面,同时第二个with省去,即Clean the screen surface with a wet piece of cloth and a dry one 即可.