第二节 读写任务 (共1小题 满分25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 The Power of Appreciation Lilly was a French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community. When she was 16 she had to drop school. With English as her second language and poor education the fu


第二节 读写任务 (共1小题 满分25分)


The Power of Appreciation

Lilly was a French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community. When she was 16 she had to drop school. With English as her second language and poor education the future didn’t look bright for Lilly.

Lilly’s father told Lilly to find a job. One day Lilly saw a sign at a big company. Cautiously she knocked on her very first door. In her broken English Lilly told the office manager she was interested in the secretarial position. The manage decided to give her a chance. He directed her to type a single letter and then left. It was 11: 40 a. m. Lilly thought everyone would be leaving for lunch when she could slip away in the crowd. But she knew she should attempt the letter.

On her first try Lilly got through one line of five words and made four mistakes. On her second attempt she completed a full paragraph but still made many mistakes. She looked at the clock:11:55——five minutes to freedom. Just then the manager walked in. He came directly over to Lilly read the letter and said “Lilly you’re doing excellent work!”

With those simple words of encouragement her desire to escape disappeared and her confidence began to grow. Lilly thought “Well if he think it’s good then it must be good. I think I’ll stay!” Lilly did stay——all because someone had given a shy and uncertain girl the gift of self-confidence when she knocked on the door.


1. 请你以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 请你以约120词谈谈你的看法,内容包括:

1) 赞赏的重要性;

2) 介绍具体事例;











Lilly was a girl lacking confidence who hesitated to apply for a job but a simple sentence "You did great!" from the manager gave her great encouragement making her succeed at last.

From this story we can see how powerful appreciation is. A smile a praise word even an admiring look can make great difference. I remember once I failed an exam and felt depressed but the teacher said to me “Though you failed this time you have already made great progress”. Her words greatly encouraged me and filled me with confidence. I worked even harder and got satisfying results at last.

In my opinion the sweetest of all sounds is praise which can not only bring happiness to others but also give them confidence to change for the better. “Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit; without which we cannot flower and grow.”I hope everyone can realize its power and learn to use it.

本文是一篇议论文。成文时:1.篇章布局:根据内容要求可以分为两段或者三段。开头段用大约30个字来概括材料内容,然后再表明自己的观点,尽量使用涵盖信息量大的长句; 2.时态:介绍事例用一般过去时,发表观点看法时使用一般现在时。3.恰当使用连接词或者插入语以使文章内容连贯,层次分明。4.尽量使用高级词汇和多种句式,以增加文章亮点。

【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,语言通顺流畅。在文中作者使用了一些短语,如In my opinion make progress等等,还使用了定语从句which can not only bring happiness to others but also give them confidence to change for the better.和“Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit; without which we cannot flower and grow.”等。


Lilly was a girl lacking confidence who hesitated to apply for a job but a simple sentence "You did great!" from the manager gave her great encouragement making her succeed at last.

From this story we can see how powerful appreciation is. A smile a praise word even an admiring look can make great difference. I remember once I failed an exam and felt depressed but the teacher said to me “Though you failed this time you have already made great progress”. Her words greatly encouraged me and filled me with confidence. I worked even harder and got satisfying results at last.

In my opinion the sweetest of all sounds is praise which can not only bring happiness to others but also give them confidence to change for the better. “Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit; without which we cannot flower and grow.”I hope everyone can realize its power and learn to use it.

本文是一篇议论文。成文时:1.篇章布局:根据内容要求可以分为两段或者三段。开头段用大约30个字来概括材料内容,然后再表明自己的观点,尽量使用涵盖信息量大的长句; 2.时态:介绍事例用一般过去时,发表观点看法时使用一般现在时。3.恰当使用连接词或者插入语以使文章内容连贯,层次分明。4.尽量使用高级词汇和多种句式,以增加文章亮点。

【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,语言通顺流畅。在文中作者使用了一些短语,如In my opinion make progress等等,还使用了定语从句which can not only bring happiness to others but also give them confidence to change for the better.和“Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit; without which we cannot flower and grow.”等。

