

A:What time is the next bus to City Hall?
B:Well,the 2:30 bus has just left.The next bus is at 3:15.
B:How long does it take to get to City Hall from here?
A:Oh,it takes about twenty-five minutes.The 3:15 bus arrives at City Hall at three forty.
B:That’s good.I need to be at City Hall by 4:00.Can I have one ticket to City Hall,please?
A:Of course.That’s $2.50,please.
B:Where does the 315 bus leave from?
A:The bus leaves from the corner of Station Street and Wilson Street over there.It’s the number 16 bus.But you’ll have to wait for forty minutes.
A:OK.Thank you for your help.Bye.
( ) 1.Where does Michelle want to go?
A.the bus terminus B.the station C.City Hall D.Wilson Street
( ) 2.When is the next bus coming?
A.2:15 B.3:00 C.3:15 D.4:00
( ) 3.How long does it take the bus to get to City Hall?
A.about 15 minutes B.about 25 minutes
C.about 35 minutes D.about 40 minutes
( ) 4.How much is the ticket to City Hall?
A.$ 4.50 B.$ 2.50 C.$5.20 D.$ 5.40
A:What time is the next bus to City Hall?
B:Well,the 2:30 bus has just left.The next bus is at 3:15.
B:How long does it take to get to City Hall from here?
A:Oh,it takes about twenty-five minutes.The 3:15 bus arrives at City Hall at three forty.
B:That’s good.I need to be at City Hall by 4:00.Can I have one ticket to City Hall,please?
A:Of course.That’s $2.50,please.
B:Where does the 315 bus leave from?
A:The bus leaves from the corner of Station Street and Wilson Street over there.It’s the number 16 bus.But you’ll have to wait for forty minutes.
A:OK.Thank you for your help.Bye.
( ) 1.Where does Michelle want to go?
A.the bus terminus B.the station C.City Hall D.Wilson Street
( ) 2.When is the next bus coming?
A.2:15 B.3:00 C.3:15 D.4:00
( ) 3.How long does it take the bus to get to City Hall?
A.about 15 minutes B.about 25 minutes
C.about 35 minutes D.about 40 minutes
( ) 4.How much is the ticket to City Hall?
A.$ 4.50 B.$ 2.50 C.$5.20 D.$ 5.40
相关标签: 英语 课外阅读