根据解释意思写出英语单词 1.stop something from happening 2.a long period of dry w...根据解释意思写出英语单词 1.stop something from happening 2.a long period of dry weather 3.(moving) neara place 4.land used by farmers to grow things 5.in the middle of 6.a great overflow of water


根据解释意思写出英语单词 1.stop something from happening 2.a long period of dry w...
根据解释意思写出英语单词 1.stop something from happening 2.a long period of dry weather 3.(moving) neara place 4.land used by farmers to grow things 5.in the middle of 6.a great overflow of water
1 prevent预防
2 drought干旱
3 approach 靠近
4 farm 农田
5 center 居中
6 flood洪水
1 prevent预防
2 drought干旱
3 approach 靠近
4 farm 农田
5 center 居中
6 flood洪水