英语翻译9.11恐怖袭击将被记作是美国历史上的一个大耻辱(terrorist,remember...as)由于健康欠佳,他拒绝了去参加那次会议的邀请(turn down)我实在无法想象没有音乐生活会是什么样(imagine)在过去的20年中,科学技术已经经历了许多变化(go through)我过去从来不吃西餐,但不久我就慢慢适应了(be used to)我对当前的形势一点也不满意(satisfied)


由于健康欠佳,他拒绝了去参加那次会议的邀请(turn down)
在过去的20年中,科学技术已经经历了许多变化(go through)
我过去从来不吃西餐,但不久我就慢慢适应了(be used to)
9.11 terrorist attacks was (remembered as) a history of the United States is a big shame
Due to poor health,he (turn down) to attend the meeting at the invitation
I can not (imagine) life without music would be like
Over the past 20 years,science and technology has (gone through) many changes
I (used to) never eat Western food,but did not take me long to adapt to a slowly
I am the current situation is still not (satisfied) with the
9.11 terrorist attacks was (remembered as) a history of the United States is a big shame
Due to poor health,he (turn down) to attend the meeting at the invitation
I can not (imagine) life without music would be like
Over the past 20 years,science and technology has (gone through) many changes
I (used to) never eat Western food,but did not take me long to adapt to a slowly
I am the current situation is still not (satisfied) with the