

FYI为 For Your Information的缩写 供您参考的意思
PLS为please缩写 请的意思
缩写 中文词义 英文词义
AMMOF 事实上 as a matter of fact
AFAIK 据我所知 as far as I know
BTW 顺便提一下 by the way
CU 再会 see you
DIIK 要是我知道就好了 damned if I know
F2F 面对面 face to face
FOAF 朋友的朋友-暗指倒手货 friend of a friend
FYA 令你感兴趣 for your amusement
FYI 供您参考 for your information
HHOK 哈哈,开个玩笑 Ha Ha,only kidding
IMO 按我的意见 in my opinion
IOW 换句话说 in other words
KISS 把这看简单些,傻瓜 keep it simple,stupid
LOL 放声大笑 laughing out loud
IC 我明白了 I see
NRN 无需答复 no response necessary
OIC 哦,我明白了 oh,I see
OTOH 另一方面 on the other hand
PMJI 请原谅我插入 pardon my jumping in
ROTF 在地上打滚 rolling on the floor
ROTFL 捧腹大笑 rolling on the floor laughing
SO 其他值得注意的 significant other
TIA 先行谢过 thanks in advance
TIC 顺便说说而已 tongue in cheek
TTFN 再见 Ta-Ta for now
WRT 很荣幸 with respect to
FYI为 For Your Information的缩写 供您参考的意思
PLS为please缩写 请的意思
缩写 中文词义 英文词义
AMMOF 事实上 as a matter of fact
AFAIK 据我所知 as far as I know
BTW 顺便提一下 by the way
CU 再会 see you
DIIK 要是我知道就好了 damned if I know
F2F 面对面 face to face
FOAF 朋友的朋友-暗指倒手货 friend of a friend
FYA 令你感兴趣 for your amusement
FYI 供您参考 for your information
HHOK 哈哈,开个玩笑 Ha Ha,only kidding
IMO 按我的意见 in my opinion
IOW 换句话说 in other words
KISS 把这看简单些,傻瓜 keep it simple,stupid
LOL 放声大笑 laughing out loud
IC 我明白了 I see
NRN 无需答复 no response necessary
OIC 哦,我明白了 oh,I see
OTOH 另一方面 on the other hand
PMJI 请原谅我插入 pardon my jumping in
ROTF 在地上打滚 rolling on the floor
ROTFL 捧腹大笑 rolling on the floor laughing
SO 其他值得注意的 significant other
TIA 先行谢过 thanks in advance
TIC 顺便说说而已 tongue in cheek
TTFN 再见 Ta-Ta for now
WRT 很荣幸 with respect to
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