阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。   SEATTLE WASHINGON - More than 100 people - young and old - stand up and clap their hands for “a great lady who always loved America.” A senator (参议员) shakes her hand and tells her she is a very important A




  SEATTLE WASHINGON - More than 100 people - young and old - stand up and clap their hands for “a great lady who always loved America.” A senator (参议员) shakes her hand and tells her she is a very important American citizen. But the tiny old woman sits quietly at a table unable to hear many of the nice things everyone is saying about her.

  Asano Kanzaki is the woman's name. This evening she become a citizen 81 years after coming to the United States. Those 81 years have been filled with hard work and life in a prison camp during the World War Ⅱ. Those years have also been filled with raising a family with honor in a new country.

  Mrs Kanzaki came to Seattle in September 1917. She married Kenichiro Kanzaki just a few months before she left Japan. At that time Japanese could not become citizens. They could not own houses or live in some neighborhoods.

  On Devember 7 1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. The next day Kenichiro was taken to prison. Because he was in the Japanese army when he was younger. A few months later Asano and her five children joined Kenichiro in a prison camp in Idaho. By then the Kenichiro boys were young men. “American is your country and you must fight for it ” their father told them.

  Akira the oldest volouteered (自愿参加) for the U. S. Army because of the honor he felt for his family and his country. He was killed in Italy in November 1944.After the war Asano and her family went back to Seattle. For the first time Japanese who had come to the U. S. could become citizens if they took classes. She and her husband were working so hand that they did not have time for the class. At time passed the children married husbands and wives from different cultures. They were an all - American family.

  Jenichiro died in 1968 and Asano moved to a small house. After her one hundredth birthday she made a big decision. “There is not much time left. I need to become an American citizen.” Why now after so many years? Her youngest son Hitoshi said “Family has always been important to my mother. She comes from a culture that tells you that you must bring honor to your family. Her citizenship brings great honor to her and her family name.”

1.Kanzaki became a United States citzen in ________.

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2.Kanzaki's children probably got American citizenship earlier than their mother because ________.

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A.they studied and passed a test

B.they married Americans

C.they were born in America

D.they lived in America long enough

3.What happened when the U. S. and Japan were fighting World War Ⅱ?

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A.The Kanzaki family went back to Seattle.

B.Many Japanese people were sent to prison camps.

C.The Kanzaki family were living in Idaho.

D.Kanzaki's sons all volunteered for the U.S. Army.

4.Which of the followings can best explain the reason why Mrs Kanzaki wanted to become a citizen?

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A.Her husband told her to.

B.She was persuaded by the U.S. government.

C.She wanted to honor her family.

D.Her children wanted her to.

5.The best title for the newspaper report is “________”.

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A.100 - Year- Old Woman Becomes U. S. Citizen

B.Asano Janzaki - the Pride of America

C.Citizenship is an Honor For Americans

D.A Storey About A Japanese Family in the U.S.
