急求三人英语对话大二英语口语考试,三人对话,每人5句左右..1.Which stage of life do you like better,childhood or adulthood?Why?2.Please discuss how to improve people’s health.During the discussion,you may challenge each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point.1.What do y


1.Which stage of life do you like better,childhood or adulthood?Why?
2.Please discuss how to improve people’s health.During the discussion,you may challenge each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point.
1.What do you do if exams make you feel stressed?
第一问句,根本就是自我介绍!怎么对话?自问自答?呵呵,我们想的和老师要问的可不一样啊!老师问你喜欢童年还是成年的时光? 你这让怎么5句话问出来?1. I like childhood? 2.Answer: Why? 3. because We don't need think too much when we are child, with a lot of love from parents and learning new things everyday, it seems fun! 4. then what? 5. relationship was easier and not pratical at all.
第一问句,根本就是自我介绍!怎么对话?自问自答?呵呵,我们想的和老师要问的可不一样啊!老师问你喜欢童年还是成年的时光? 你这让怎么5句话问出来?1. I like childhood? 2.Answer: Why? 3. because We don't need think too much when we are child, with a lot of love from parents and learning new things everyday, it seems fun! 4. then what? 5. relationship was easier and not pratical at all.