在职人员,如果每天2.5-3小时的英语学习时间+2小时的外教口语课,能考过今年年末的CATTI3级笔译的考试么我做IT工作的,但是工作中不是用英语(我的基础是CET4),我计划每天1小时左右的背单词时间,剩下的1.5-2小时就练翻译,每天2小时的外教口语课,周六日额外加半天的时间练写作和综合,今年年末能达到CATTI 3级笔译难度么,如果这样安排还是不够,那么每天在单词,翻译,综合上都应该再加多少时间?因为我本科非英语专业的,就是对英语感兴趣,所以有这个想法,


我做IT工作的,但是工作中不是用英语(我的基础是CET4),我计划每天1小时左右的背单词时间,剩下的1.5-2小时就练翻译,每天2小时的外教口语课,周六日额外加半天的时间练写作和综合,今年年末能达到CATTI 3级笔译难度么,如果这样安排还是不够,那么每天在单词,翻译,综合上都应该再加多少时间?因为我本科非英语专业的,就是对英语感兴趣,所以有这个想法,
i don't think you have to take 1hour to stuff the words into your mind,20-30 minutes is totally enough.as for translating,you'd better translate the chinese into english,just as me,i don't want to
translate 2or3hours per day,the time you spend on this is just depend on you,baidu zone is good,
every night i translate about 3-4 piece of essay,and some other phrase,all of this could take about just 1.5hours or 2hours.Talking is good,you can talking to yourself or somebody else as much as you can,every minutes you spend on talking is good for your learning,
P.S i'm also a person loving english and Japanese,but the schedule is depend on yourself,you don't need to set your clock on this,Just come on and insist on learning everyday,you will get it.
P.S.S encourage yourself every week ,or you will lose patience,keep this in your mind,it will help you
Wish you will get what you want,and God bless you!
i don't think you have to take 1hour to stuff the words into your mind,20-30 minutes is totally enough.as for translating,you'd better translate the chinese into english,just as me,i don't want to
translate 2or3hours per day,the time you spend on this is just depend on you,baidu zone is good,
every night i translate about 3-4 piece of essay,and some other phrase,all of this could take about just 1.5hours or 2hours.Talking is good,you can talking to yourself or somebody else as much as you can,every minutes you spend on talking is good for your learning,
P.S i'm also a person loving english and Japanese,but the schedule is depend on yourself,you don't need to set your clock on this,Just come on and insist on learning everyday,you will get it.
P.S.S encourage yourself every week ,or you will lose patience,keep this in your mind,it will help you
Wish you will get what you want,and God bless you!