英语翻译.大学期间,给我留下最深刻印象的就是参与组织我们学院的第一次文艺晚会,当晚会完满结束的那一刻,听着同学们肯定的掌声,使我深刻的体会到了通过努力做成一件事情的成就感以及团队的合作的巨大力量.我的职业理想是在5到10年内成为一名国际知名公司的中层管理者.首先要先进入一家国际知名公司,2努力提高自己,向前辈学习,成为同级别员工中的佼佼者 3拓展自己的人脉关系,培养自己的管理能力全部就这么点分了.我现在去做任务挣分去,到时候加分.哈哈,我是学日语的,英语很长时间没接触了,用在线翻译的就别来了


我的职业理想是在5到10年内成为一名国际知名公司的中层管理者.首先要先进入一家国际知名公司,2努力提高自己,向前辈学习,成为同级别员工中的佼佼者 3拓展自己的人脉关系,培养自己的管理能力
Over college, what left me the deepest impression is my first participation into the literature evening party of our faculty. At the perfect wrap-up of the party, listening to the applaud of recognition from students, It made me deeply realize what a sense of accomplishment I can get from completing work by hardship as well as the enormous power coming from team work.
my profession goal is to become a intermediate manager in a renowned international company within five to ten years. My plan to achieve this will be broken into three steps: first, I have to work my way into a famous international company. Second, work hard to advance in my field, learn from the veterans, and be the top of the associates of my level. third, expand my social network and cultivate my management skill.
Over college, what left me the deepest impression is my first participation into the literature evening party of our faculty. At the perfect wrap-up of the party, listening to the applaud of recognition from students, It made me deeply realize what a sense of accomplishment I can get from completing work by hardship as well as the enormous power coming from team work.
my profession goal is to become a intermediate manager in a renowned international company within five to ten years. My plan to achieve this will be broken into three steps: first, I have to work my way into a famous international company. Second, work hard to advance in my field, learn from the veterans, and be the top of the associates of my level. third, expand my social network and cultivate my management skill.