英语专业人士回答英语问题I so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.1.I so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.A) wouldn’t have feltB) shouldn’t beC) wouldn’t beD) never had been2.I will put half a dozen cakes box.Should I put both of them in a bag for you?A) int


英语专业人士回答英语问题I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.
1.I ____ so nervous if I had practiced a lot more.
A) wouldn’t have felt
B) shouldn’t be
C) wouldn’t be
D) never had been
2.I will put half a dozen cakes ____ box.Should I put both of them in a bag for you?
A) into a
B) onto
C) in each
D) in the
3.Phil:I ____ I could give you a hand with that case?
May:It’s not as heavy as it looks.
A) am unsure if
B) perhaps
C) feel
D) don’t suppose
I couldn’t tell how emotional she was,she keeps her ____ to herself.
A) opinions
B) fears
C) motions
D) feelings
A wouldn't have felt
B. in each
D. don't suppose
D. Feeling
A wouldn't have felt
B. in each
D. don't suppose
D. Feeling