

With the Internet,we can well on foreign soil and friends to talk of; With high-definition television technology,we can enjoy the gorgeous Hollywood movie ......But at the same time,we have lost a friend and face-to-face communication opportunities Due to the rapid development of science and technology brought about by the white pollution,global warming and a series of ecological problems,we can not be ignored.Of course,we must also recognize that science and technology to a certain extent,is also changing the way we live,changing our culture. With the Internet,we can well on foreign soil and friends to talk of; With high-definition television technology,we can enjoy the gorgeous Hollywood movie ......But at the same time,we have lost a friend and face-to-face communication opportunities Due to the rapid development of science and technology brought about by the white pollution,global warming and a series of ecological problems,we can not be ignored.Of course,we must also recognize that science and technology to a certain extent,is also changing the way we live,changing our culture.