英语翻译从历史的角度来看,黄河三角洲号子旋律的形成有两大类:一是受其他民间音乐影响或由其他民间音乐移植而成的旋律,这类号子的旋律起伏比较大,节奏比较自由,音域比较宽,合句的变化比较丰富;第二类是由各种劳动呼号音调形成的旋律,这类旋律起伏往往不大,旋律形态以级进为主,常见四、五度纯音程跳进,节奏往往比较规整.不懂得千万别往这凑,千万别拿google 有道的翻译往这贴,我自己会用。


不懂得千万别往这凑,千万别拿google 有道的翻译往这贴,我自己会用。
从历史的角度来看,黄河三角洲号子旋律的形成有两大类:From a historical point of view the formation of the work song melody of Huanghe River Delta has two main types:一是受其他民间音乐影响或由其他民间音乐移植而成的旋律,这类号子的旋律起伏比较大,节奏比较自由,音域比较宽,合句的变化比较丰富;one is the melodies which are affected by other folk music or transplanted from other folk music,this type of melodies features bigger undulation,relatively free rhythm,wider music range,and relatively rich variation in combining sentence.第二类是由各种劳动呼号音调形成的旋律,这类旋律起伏往往不大,旋律形态以级进为主,常见四、五度纯音程跳进,节奏往往比较规整.the another is the melodies that are composed of various work call tunes,this type of melodies tends to be less undulated,and the rhythm forms mainly are progressive,and jump progress of tetrachord and quint intervals are often met,their rhythms are often more regular.
从历史的角度来看,黄河三角洲号子旋律的形成有两大类:From a historical point of view the formation of the work song melody of Huanghe River Delta has two main types:一是受其他民间音乐影响或由其他民间音乐移植而成的旋律,这类号子的旋律起伏比较大,节奏比较自由,音域比较宽,合句的变化比较丰富;one is the melodies which are affected by other folk music or transplanted from other folk music,this type of melodies features bigger undulation,relatively free rhythm,wider music range,and relatively rich variation in combining sentence.第二类是由各种劳动呼号音调形成的旋律,这类旋律起伏往往不大,旋律形态以级进为主,常见四、五度纯音程跳进,节奏往往比较规整.the another is the melodies that are composed of various work call tunes,this type of melodies tends to be less undulated,and the rhythm forms mainly are progressive,and jump progress of tetrachord and quint intervals are often met,their rhythms are often more regular.