谁能帮我翻译一下 中译英我将要推荐***为最好的学生奖.***是一个聪明的女孩.她在各门功课都拥有不错的成绩.她很擅长数学和英语,她知道很多有关中国历史的知识.她学习新的知识非常快.***很乐观.每次看到她,她都面带微笑,而且她很幽默. ***成绩好离不开她的努力.她学习很是用功.我们每个人都向她学习,但她从不骄傲.她乐于助人,所以有很多朋友.她在每个人需要帮助的时候给予帮助.我们把她作为榜样,我们相信她是班里最好的学生也是年级中的顶尖学生.如果她能获得最好学生奖,我们会发自内心替她高兴.


谁能帮我翻译一下 中译英我将要推荐***为最好的学生奖.***是一个聪明的女孩.她在各门功课都拥有不错的成绩.她很擅长数学和英语,她知道很多有关中国历史的知识.她学习新的知识非常快.***很乐观.每次看到她,她都面带微笑,而且她很幽默. ***成绩好离不开她的努力.她学习很是用功.我们每个人都向她学习,但她从不骄傲.她乐于助人,所以有很多朋友.她在每个人需要帮助的时候给予帮助.我们把她作为榜样,我们相信她是班里最好的学生也是年级中的顶尖学生.如果她能获得最好学生奖,我们会发自内心替她高兴.
I shall recommend *** for the Best Students Award. *** was a brilliant girl. She did pretty well in all subjects. She was good at mathematics and English, and she knew quite a little about Chinese history and knowledge. She learnt new knowledge very quickly. ***was very optimistic. Every time we saw her, she was smiling, and she was very humorous. Good results can not be separated from her efforts. She was learning very hard. Each one of us had learnt from her, but she never proud of it. She was ready to help others, so she got a lot of friends. She was helpful when anyone in need of help . We regard her as a role model, we believe that she is the best not only in class but also in school . We'll be happy if she get the award. I shall recommend *** for the Best Students Award. *** was a brilliant girl. She did pretty well in all subjects. She was good at mathematics and English, and she knew quite a little about Chinese history and knowledge. She learnt new knowledge very quickly. ***was very optimistic. Every time we saw her, she was smiling, and she was very humorous. Good results can not be separated from her efforts. She was learning very hard. Each one of us had learnt from her, but she never proud of it. She was ready to help others, so she got a lot of friends. She was helpful when anyone in need of help . We regard her as a role model, we believe that she is the best not only in class but also in school . We'll be happy if she get the award.