英语翻译茂名是“中国最大的水果生产基地”,所生产的荔枝、龙眼、香蕉、三华李、杨桃、番石榴等优质水果享誉全世界。水果产业是茂名市的支柱产业,在茂名经济的发展中发挥着重要的作用。然而,由于受制家庭承包责任制约、品种结构不合理、生产管理不规范、良种选育滞后、果品销售滞后、信息化落后、品牌效应不显著、后加工业落后等原因。近几年来, 茂名水果产业受到激烈冲击, 水果产业优势正在逐渐削弱、生产停滞不前, 甚至呈现下滑态势。新形势下, 传统型茂名果业需采取新的发展策略。本文首先总结茂名市水果产业发展的现状,然后找出茂名


茂名是“中国最大的水果生产基地”,所生产的荔枝、龙眼、香蕉、三华李、杨桃、番石榴等优质水果享誉全世界。水果产业是茂名市的支柱产业,在茂名经济的发展中发挥着重要的作用。然而,由于受制家庭承包责任制约、品种结构不合理、生产管理不规范、良种选育滞后、果品销售滞后、信息化落后、品牌效应不显著、后加工业落后等原因。近几年来, 茂名水果产业受到激烈冲击, 水果产业优势正在逐渐削弱、生产停滞不前, 甚至呈现下滑态势。新形势下, 传统型茂名果业需采取新的发展策略。本文首先总结茂名市水果产业发展的现状,然后找出茂名市水果产业发展中存在的问题和障碍,通过对茂名市在水果产业发展过程中的优势与劣势、机会与威胁进行分析,通过探究,提出茂名水果产业发展的政策建议,使茂名市水果产业在未来不断的发展壮大,对全国其他地方水果产业的发展起到参考作用。
有没有自己翻译的。 百度翻译玩个毛
Maoming is "China's largest fruit production base", the production of litchi, longan, banana, three HuaLi high-quality fruit, star fruit, guava is famous in the world. Fruit industry is a pillar industry of maoming, in maoming economic development plays an important role. However, due to the captive family contracting responsibility restriction, the product structure is not reasonable, the production management is not standard, breeding lag, fruit sales lag behind, informationization, brand effect is not significant, after processing and other reasons behind. In recent years, maoming fruit industry is intense impact, fruit industry advantage is gradually weaken, production stagnated or even present situation of decline. Under the new situation, traditional maoming fruit industry needs to adopt the new development strategy. At first, this paper summarizes the present circumstance of maoming fruit industry development, and then find out the problems existing in the development of maoming fruit industry and obstacles, and through the in maoming fruit industry in the development of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats were analyzed, and through research, put forward policy Suggestions on the development of maoming fruit industry, made of maoming fruit industry continues to grow in the future, for the rest of the country play a reference role in the development of fruit industry.

Maoming is "China's largest fruit production base", the production of litchi, longan, banana, three HuaLi high-quality fruit, star fruit, guava is famous in the world. Fruit industry is a pillar industry of maoming, in maoming economic development plays an important role. However, due to the captive family contracting responsibility restriction, the product structure is not reasonable, the production management is not standard, breeding lag, fruit sales lag behind, informationization, brand effect is not significant, after processing and other reasons behind. In recent years, maoming fruit industry is intense impact, fruit industry advantage is gradually weaken, production stagnated or even present situation of decline. Under the new situation, traditional maoming fruit industry needs to adopt the new development strategy. At first, this paper summarizes the present circumstance of maoming fruit industry development, and then find out the problems existing in the development of maoming fruit industry and obstacles, and through the in maoming fruit industry in the development of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats were analyzed, and through research, put forward policy Suggestions on the development of maoming fruit industry, made of maoming fruit industry continues to grow in the future, for the rest of the country play a reference role in the development of fruit industry.
