英语翻译词汇作为人类文化与知识的载体,是一个庞大,复杂的系统,对外部实体,对词汇进行分析、归类、命名的过程,是一个范畴化的认知过程.在经验世界里 ,事物被划分为不同的范畴.基本范畴的成员有明显的能被感知的对外区别性特征,如名词、动词较之名词、不可数名词有更明显的区别特征,所以名词和动词属于基本范畴.基本范畴的词多是词性简单、音节较少的不可分析的语词,使用频率较高,是某一语言集团中为大众所熟悉的词汇,构词能力很强,是无标记的,在基本词的基础上用词缀法和合成法构成的非基本词突出事物某些具体属性,是有标记的.在


词汇作为人类文化与知识的载体,是一个庞大,复杂的系统,对外部实体,对词汇进行分析、归类、命名的过程,是一个范畴化的认知过程.在经验世界里 ,事物被划分为不同的范畴.基本范畴的成员有明显的能被感知的对外区别性特征,如名词、动词较之名词、不可数名词有更明显的区别特征,所以名词和动词属于基本范畴.基本范畴的词多是词性简单、音节较少的不可分析的语词,使用频率较高,是某一语言集团中为大众所熟悉的词汇,构词能力很强,是无标记的,在基本词的基础上用词缀法和合成法构成的非基本词突出事物某些具体属性,是有标记的.在一个语义范畴内,其中新义项就是典型义项,往往是人们最先认知的,也是语言符号最早获得的义项,是无标记项.在认识新事物的过程中,语言范畴围绕典型义项向外扩展,发展了更多的,突出具体属性的意义.
Vocabulary as a carrier of human culture and knowledge is a huge,complex system,to external entities,the analysis of vocabulary,classification,naming the process,is a cognitive process of categorization.In the experience world,things are divided into different categories.Members of the basic areas of obvious external differences can be perceived characteristic,such as nouns,verbs than nouns,uncountable nouns have a more significant difference between features,so nouns and verbs are basic categories.Basic category is the part of speech more than a simple word,syllable analysis of words is not fewer,higher frequency of use is a language group known to the public vocabulary,word competence,and is unmarked,the basic word based on the use of affixes and the synthesis method consisting of non-basic words highlight some specific properties of things,is marked.In a semantic context,which is typical of the new Senses Senses are often the first people to perception,and it is the first language acquired meanings of symbols,is the unmarked items.In the process of understanding new things,language areas around the typical meanings of outward expansion,the development of more to highlight the significance of the specific property. Vocabulary as a carrier of human culture and knowledge is a huge,complex system,to external entities,the analysis of vocabulary,classification,naming the process,is a cognitive process of categorization.In the experience world,things are divided into different categories.Members of the basic areas of obvious external differences can be perceived characteristic,such as nouns,verbs than nouns,uncountable nouns have a more significant difference between features,so nouns and verbs are basic categories.Basic category is the part of speech more than a simple word,syllable analysis of words is not fewer,higher frequency of use is a language group known to the public vocabulary,word competence,and is unmarked,the basic word based on the use of affixes and the synthesis method consisting of non-basic words highlight some specific properties of things,is marked.In a semantic context,which is typical of the new Senses Senses are often the first people to perception,and it is the first language acquired meanings of symbols,is the unmarked items.In the process of understanding new things,language areas around the typical meanings of outward expansion,the development of more to highlight the significance of the specific property.