急 百度在线等翻译,2点之前要,这是塑料成型专业英语的课文If the concentration of junction points is high enough, even branches will contain branches. Eventually a point is reached at which the amount of branching is so extensive is so extensive than the polymer molecule becomes a gi


急 百度在线等翻译,2点之前要,这是塑料成型专业英语的课文
If the concentration of junction points is high enough, even branches will contain branches.
Eventually a point is reached at which the amount of branching is so extensive is so extensive than the polymer molecule becomes a giant three dimensional net work. When this condition is achieved, the molecule is said to be cross-linked. In this case , an entire macroscopic object may be considered to consist of essentially one molecule. The forces which give cohesiveness to such a body are covalent bonds, not intermolecular forces.