你身边的不少同学喜欢用手机发短信、听音乐。有的同学喜欢周末上网玩游戏,影响了正常的学习。针对这个现象,你决定给校广播站写一篇稿件,倡议同学们要正确对待现代媒体。内容包括:1.列举沉迷于现代媒体的现象; 2.提出合理化的建议。注意:词数100字左右。Dear fellow students,That’s all. Thank you!


Dear fellow students,
That’s all. Thank you!

Dear fellow students,

With the popularity of cell phones and the Internet, some of us students spend too much time playing with cell phones or computer games, which has negative effects on our studies.Worse still, we have little time to communicate with our parents and friends. Nor do we have time for physical exercises.

What shall we do to improve the situation? All of us should be fully aware of the harmful effects of modern media. Let’s limit our time of playing with cell phones or computer games. Instead we should spend more time playing sports or talking with our friends, which helps to relax and communicate with each other.

Let’s stay away from modern media. Let’s take action now!

That’s all. Thank you!

Dear fellow students,

With the popularity of cell phones and the Internet, some of us students spend too much time playing with cell phones or computer games, which has negative effects on our studies.Worse still, we have little time to communicate with our parents and friends. Nor do we have time for physical exercises.

What shall we do to improve the situation? All of us should be fully aware of the harmful effects of modern media. Let’s limit our time of playing with cell phones or computer games. Instead we should spend more time playing sports or talking with our friends, which helps to relax and communicate with each other.

Let’s stay away from modern media. Let’s take action now!

That’s all. Thank you!
