请以:My perfect holiday 为题目写一篇不少于60词的英语作文..说明今年暑假你打算去哪里度假 怎样去 到那里你会干什么 准备呆多久玩的怎么样 不少于 60 词最好用 初二的水平来写..(比如可以去海边 去美国 )


请以:My perfect holiday 为题目写一篇不少于60词的英语作文..
说明今年暑假你打算去哪里度假 怎样去 到那里你会干什么 准备呆多久
玩的怎么样 不少于 60 词
最好用 初二的水平来写..
(比如可以去海边 去美国 )
I plan to spent my summer holiday on travelling.My first choise is go to the seaside two day where i can eat many seafood and swim.besides,i want to go to America ,because i can see many famous building,the trip may last one week,i'm sure it will be interesting and meaningful.
I plan to spent my summer holiday on travelling.My first choise is go to the seaside two day where i can eat many seafood and swim.besides,i want to go to America ,because i can see many famous building,the trip may last one week,i'm sure it will be interesting and meaningful.