英语作文,麻烦有谁能短时间内帮忙做一下?一、介绍你的近况(最近一直在按部就班的上班)、请他帮你买本英语口语书、欢迎他方便时来访 二、不同的人对金钱能买来的幸福观持有不同观点、我的观点 尽量详细点的


一、介绍你的近况(最近一直在按部就班的上班)、请他帮你买本英语口语书、欢迎他方便时来访 二、不同的人对金钱能买来的幸福观持有不同观点、我的观点 尽量详细点的
Recently,I am busying in my daily work and have no time to go book store.However,I wanna buy an oral english book so could yuo do me a favor,buying an oral english book for me.It will be highly appreciated.Besides,if you have time,i invite you to come to my home,having a lunch together with me as my thank you to your kindly help. Recently,I am busying in my daily work and have no time to go book store.However,I wanna buy an oral english book so could yuo do me a favor,buying an oral english book for me.It will be highly appreciated.Besides,if you have time,i invite you to come to my home,having a lunch together with me as my thank you to your kindly help.