英语翻译在研究管理学的过程中,有个问题就是似乎没有人对它有多少了解.好公司为什么好?我们完全摸不着头脑.我们甚至也不知道一个经理人为什么出色——或者说,或许他们真的很出色.我们没有像样儿的衡量标准,一会儿一个主意.下面是原文:One problem with studying management is that no one seems to know much about it.We don't have the foggiest idea of why good companies are good


One problem with studying management is that no one seems to know much about it.We don't have the foggiest idea of why good companies are good.We don't even know why individual managers are good --- or,indeed,if they are.We have no decent units of measurement and we change our minds all the time.
There exists one problem which no one seems know much about during the process of studying management.We have totally no idea why a good company so good and even why an excellent manager so excellent,or mayby they are really good,but we don't have a standard of measurement and always change our opinions. There exists one problem which no one seems know much about during the process of studying management.We have totally no idea why a good company so good and even why an excellent manager so excellent,or mayby they are really good,but we don't have a standard of measurement and always change our opinions.