

everybody have moments of fear. when facing fear, we should keep a cool head, overcome fearness. when sufering from disasters, for example earthquake,bore, many peple will would be extremely terrified, therefore will form a large degree of fearness,which will resist the process of excaping, if we are all able to treat disasters rationally, analyse calmly, we are able to better overcome the difficulties. there is no one in the wold who do not have fears, but only brave people, they know what they have to be feared of. everybody have moments of fear. when facing fear, we should keep a cool head, overcome fearness. when sufering from disasters, for example earthquake,bore, many peple will would be extremely terrified, therefore will form a large degree of fearness,which will resist the process of excaping, if we are all able to treat disasters rationally, analyse calmly, we are able to better overcome the difficulties. there is no one in the wold who do not have fears, but only brave people, they know what they have to be feared of.