 随着社会的发展,越来越多的人认识到了英语的重要性,但是有些人担心自己方言太重,英语口语不够标准,不能够很好地和外宾交流。请你就此现象,利用本单元的词汇,写一篇100词的短文并发表自己的看法。 参考词汇: play a role ;international ; however; standard; communication; native ; culture




play a role ;international ; however; standard; communication; native ; culture







Nowadays more and more people show their interest in English because English plays a role as an international language .However some of them are worried about their spoken English. They don’t think their English is standard enough to make them have a good communication with foreigners. In my opinion it is quite normal for people to have this kind of worry .After all we are not native English speakers besides some times we speak English with strong accent. But as is known to us all people even from English –speaking countries speak quite differently. Therefore as long as we practice speaking listening and reading constantly we can improve our oral English and only in this way can we communicate the foreigners well.
Nowadays more and more people show their interest in English because English plays a role as an international language .However some of them are worried about their spoken English. They don’t think their English is standard enough to make them have a good communication with foreigners. In my opinion it is quite normal for people to have this kind of worry .After all we are not native English speakers besides some times we speak English with strong accent. But as is known to us all people even from English –speaking countries speak quite differently. Therefore as long as we practice speaking listening and reading constantly we can improve our oral English and only in this way can we communicate the foreigners well.