

Through the inverse square law and the Newton's second law,we completed deducing the formula of the planet's orbiting motion,proofing that the movement of the planets revolving around the sun is an elliptical orbit.We also drew the simulation curve of the planets' orbit with the mathematics software Mathmedica.Satellite's orbit is an complex curve that has a slight difference with Kepler's elliptical orbit,which we often used to describe the satellite's general movements.The study and simulation of the planets' orbit will be helpful for the research of satellite launching.It also can help us launch the satellite more effectively and make the satellite moving on the orbit that we presupposed.That's helpful for the development of space technology. Through the inverse square law and the Newton's second law,we completed deducing the formula of the planet's orbiting motion,proofing that the movement of the planets revolving around the sun is an elliptical orbit.We also drew the simulation curve of the planets' orbit with the mathematics software Mathmedica.Satellite's orbit is an complex curve that has a slight difference with Kepler's elliptical orbit,which we often used to describe the satellite's general movements.The study and simulation of the planets' orbit will be helpful for the research of satellite launching.It also can help us launch the satellite more effectively and make the satellite moving on the orbit that we presupposed.That's helpful for the development of space technology.
相关标签: 英语翻译 通过 定律 牛顿 完成 行星 运动 轨道 公式 推导 证明 太阳 椭圆 数学 软件